Quilting Services

Longarm Quilting

Prices starts at .011 cent/sq. in. for our standard patterns and go up from there depending on the quilt size, pattern, etc. We have a minimum charge of $45 per quilt. To get a rough estimate for your quilt you will first need to calculate the square inches by multiplying the width and the length of your quilt. For example if your quilt is 70" X 90" you would multiply these for a total of 6300 sq. in. Once you have your sq. in. calculated you will take that number (6300) and multiply it by .011 for a total of $63.11. This is just a guide to help you estimate your cost. We will take our own measurements and do our own calculations. These prices do not included backing or batting which should be provided by you unless you arrange to have us provide these.

The batting and backing you provide must be at least 6" longer and 6" wider than the quilt top. This gives us room to pin to the frame and ensures that the quilting reaches the edges of the quilt.

Your top, batting and backing should be washed and ironed before we receive it, we do not provide this service. We will quilt it the way it comes to us. Not all material shrinks at the same rate which can cause warping the first time you wash the finished product. We are not liable for any shrinkage that may occur due to you not preparing the pieces properly before we finish the quilt.


We will bind your quilt for an additional cost of .05 cents/ linear inch. Extra material will need to be provided by you for the binding. To get a rough estimate you will add the length of all 4 sides. Using the quilt measurements from above you would add 70+70+90+90 for a total of 320 linear inches. Then you take the 320 and multiply that by .05 for a total of $16 for the binding.  We do have a minimum charge of $12 for binding.

If you opt to have us bind your quilt you will need to provide us with extra material. Please DO NOT cut this into strips, this is included in the cost of the binding and having it uncut will ensure that it is cut to the measurements we need.

Batting and Backing

We offer batting and white backing in house for purchase, which we sell in half yard increments.

T-Shirt Quilts

We can not offer a set price for a t-shirt quilt but they start at $150 and go up from there. The prices for this vary due to a lot of factors such as size, pattern, number of shirts, material used for backing, etc. We offer free quotes, just bring us the t-shirts and we will write you up an estimate within a few days. The quote will include all material for backing, batting, quilting, and binding. If you choose to supply the batting and backing we will adjust our quote to remove the materials charged.

*Prices are subject to change.

**All measurements and costs above are for examples only. Your quilt will have different dimensions which will affect the price of your individual quilt 

We are located in Georgetown, IN. 

Shipping available in the US if you are from out of the area.

Phone: 812-399-9294

Email: victoria@love-quilting.com

Follow me: Facebook at Love Quilting by Victoria